Diagnóstico evaluativo de la enseñanza de las ciencias generales en la educación general básica : rendimiento académico y procesos científicos.
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Esquivel Alfaro, Juan Manuel
Quesada Yannarella, Liliana
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Este estudio es parte del Diagnóstico Evaluativo de la Enseñanza de las Ciencias. En él se trata de establecer la situación real de dos aspectos del rendimiento académico en Ciencias Generales en la Educación General Básica: conocimientos mínimos y procesos científicos.
La investigación tiene como objetivo general, determinar el aprovechamiento de los alumnos en Ciencias al finalizar cada uno de los ciclos y de los alumnos que terminan el quinto año de la Educación General Básica.
Entre las conclusiones obtenidas están:
Es evidente un rendimiento académico muy bajo. Esto es cierto en todas las regiones de país, pero en algunas de ellas es sumamente bajo.
Se da una misma tendencia tanto en la escuela primaria como en secundaria: el rendimiento disminuye al pasar de un año inferior a uno superior (de 4º a 6º año y de 7º a 10º).
Las escuelas más pequeñas (rurales) tienen rendimiento muy por debajo al de las escuelas de centros de población más grandes.
El desconocimiento de los procesos científicos es general en todas las regiones del país y por modalidad de colegio. Aunque se nota una ligera mejoría al comparar el rendimiento de décimo año con el de sétimo año.
La divulgación de este trabajo, pretende que los administradores de la educación costarricense y las instituciones formadoras de docentes, analicen los resultados del mismo y busquen soluciones que mejoren el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Generales.
ABSTRACT: This study is part of the Evaluative Diagnosis of Science Education. It tries to establish the real situation of two aspects of academic performance in General Sciences in Basic General Education: minimum knowledge and scientific processes. The research has as general objective to determine the achievement of science students at the end of each cycle and students who finish the fifth grade of Basic General Education as well. Among the conclusions obtained are: A very low academic performance is evident. This is a true in all regions of the country, but in some of them it is extremely low. The same trend occurs in both primary and secondary school: the approximate performance when passing from a lower year to a higher one (from 4th to 6th year and from 7th to 10th). Smaller (rural) schools underperform schools in larger population centers. Ignorance of scientific processes is general in all regions of the country and by school type. Although a slight improvement is noted when comparing the performance of the tenth year with seventh year. The dissemination of this work intends that Costa Rican education administrators and teacher training institutions analyze their results and look for solutions to improve the learning of General Sciences.
ABSTRACT: This study is part of the Evaluative Diagnosis of Science Education. It tries to establish the real situation of two aspects of academic performance in General Sciences in Basic General Education: minimum knowledge and scientific processes. The research has as general objective to determine the achievement of science students at the end of each cycle and students who finish the fifth grade of Basic General Education as well. Among the conclusions obtained are: A very low academic performance is evident. This is a true in all regions of the country, but in some of them it is extremely low. The same trend occurs in both primary and secondary school: the approximate performance when passing from a lower year to a higher one (from 4th to 6th year and from 7th to 10th). Smaller (rural) schools underperform schools in larger population centers. Ignorance of scientific processes is general in all regions of the country and by school type. Although a slight improvement is noted when comparing the performance of the tenth year with seventh year. The dissemination of this work intends that Costa Rican education administrators and teacher training institutions analyze their results and look for solutions to improve the learning of General Sciences.
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