Modelo de seguimiento a estudiantes que se benefician del Programa Avancemos.
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general construir una guía para el seguimiento a las beneficiarias y los beneficiarios de Avancemos que integre diversos factores económicos, educativos y socio-afectivos, propios del proceso de permanencia y graduación de los estudiantes en los centros educativos. Para llevarlo a cabo se realizó una búsqueda de información para actualizar y referenciar el contexto del Programa Avancemos, sus cambios a partir de su creación en el año 2006. Esta revisión se hizo por medio de recursos en sitios web, fuentes documentales y material, que han generado los actores, tales como informes, planes, normativa, contactos con los encargados de las organizaciones, entre otros. Se definió como unidad analítica el Colegio Técnico del Invu Las Cañas ubicado en Alajuela. Además, se validó la información que se recolectó por parte de los diversos actores, esto tuvo lugar en las entrevistas cuando se presentó la guía de seguimiento. También se brindó un espacio para validarla con directores, directoras, y docentes que tienen a cargo el CIPA en centros educativos de la Regional del IMAS de Alajuela.
Algunas de las conclusiones del estudio fueron las siguientes:
Acerca del impacto desde la política social: En cuanto a la generalidad del Programa Avancemos, es posible señalar que prevalece una contradicción en la política social que se resume en los pares focalización/universalización. Esto por cuanto si bien es cierto, las transferencias económicas condicionadas surgen bajo la premisa de la focalización del gasto social, el Programa Avancemos tiende más a una lógica de universalización en la provisión de los servicios sociales, pues pretende incidir en el núcleo familiar de la población objetivo.
Sin embargo, es necesario apuntar también que la desintegración y la desconexión entre las distintas políticas públicas y los niveles institucionales diversos que concertan dichas políticas, en muchas ocasiones produce la duplicación de tareas, el traslape en poblaciones meta, y en general, a que los recursos públicos no se inviertan de una manera óptima, lo que repercute en una mayor dificultad para lograr los objetivos macro de la política social.
Respecto al seguimiento: Se confirma la importancia de fortalecer y promover las estrategias de seguimiento en los centros educativos. De ahí que, uno de los hallazgos importantes es confirmar la pertinencia y relevancia de formalizar una guía, que aporte al proceso de seguimiento dirigidos hacia la población beneficiaria de Avancemos.
El proceso en los centros educativos se ha ido modificando a lo largo de la ejecución del Programa y la instalación de los Comités Institucionales del Programa Avancemos en los colegios, ha sido un aspecto esencial para el acompañamiento a la población beneficiaria y lograr la eficacia de la transferencia. Según señalamientos recopilados tanto desde el CIPA del CTP Invu Las Cañas como de la Gerencia Regional del IMAS en Alajuela y de la Secretaría Técnica del Programa Avancemos, se establecen las fortalezas del proceso de seguimiento que se lleva a cabo en los centros educativos, Asimismo se identifican las debilidades, por ejemplo, el apoyo decisivo que se requiere desde la Dirección del Centro Educativo y desde las Oficinas Regionales del MEP.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this research was to create a guide to monitoring those who benefit from "Avancemos" that includes various economic, educational and socio-affective factors related to the process of retention and graduation of students in the educational centers. To do this, an information search was carried out in order to update and cross-reference the context of the "Avancemos" Program and its changes since its inception in the year 2006. This revision was done by means finding resources in web sites, documentary and material sources, which have been created by the researchers such as reports, plans, regulations, meetings with the organizations, among others. The Invu Technical High School from Las Cañas located in Alajuela was chosen to be the analysis unit. In addition, the information that was collected by the various participants was validated through the interviews when they monitoring guides were introduced. A space to validate it was also provided to principals and teachers who are in charge of the CIPA in education centers of the IMAS Regional Department of Alajuela. Some of the findings of the study were the following: • Regarding the impact from the social policy: In terms of the generality of the "Avancemos" Program, it is possible to note that a contradiction prevails in the social policy, which is summarized into targeting/universality. While it is true that the conditioned financial transfers to arise from the premise of targeting of social spending, the "Avancemos" Program focuses more on universality in the provision of social services as it seeks to influence the family of the target population. • However, it is also necessary to point out that the disintegration and disconnection between the various public policies and various institutional levels that consolidate such policies in many cases produces double the tasks, the overlap in target populations, and, in general, the lack of optimal investment of public resources resulting in a greater difficulty to achieve the macro objectives of the social policy. • Regarding monitoring: The importance of strengthening and promoting strategies for monitoring in the education centers can be agreed upon. Hence, one of the important findings is the confirmation of the appropriateness and relevance of the formalization of a guide which provides the monitoring process geared towards the population benefited from "Avancemos". • The process in schools has been modified throughout the implementation of the Program, and the setting up of the Institutional Committees of the "Avancemos" Program in high schools has been an key aspect to the support the population and accomplish the effective transfer. According to observations from both the CIPA of the CTP Invu Las Cañas, the IMAS Regional Department in Alajuela, and of the Technical Secretariat of the "Avancemos" Program, the strengths of the monitoring process that takes place in schools are established. Also, weaknesses are identified, for example, the crucial support that is required from the Principal's Office of the Educational Center and from the Ministry of Education's the Regional Offices.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of this research was to create a guide to monitoring those who benefit from "Avancemos" that includes various economic, educational and socio-affective factors related to the process of retention and graduation of students in the educational centers. To do this, an information search was carried out in order to update and cross-reference the context of the "Avancemos" Program and its changes since its inception in the year 2006. This revision was done by means finding resources in web sites, documentary and material sources, which have been created by the researchers such as reports, plans, regulations, meetings with the organizations, among others. The Invu Technical High School from Las Cañas located in Alajuela was chosen to be the analysis unit. In addition, the information that was collected by the various participants was validated through the interviews when they monitoring guides were introduced. A space to validate it was also provided to principals and teachers who are in charge of the CIPA in education centers of the IMAS Regional Department of Alajuela. Some of the findings of the study were the following: • Regarding the impact from the social policy: In terms of the generality of the "Avancemos" Program, it is possible to note that a contradiction prevails in the social policy, which is summarized into targeting/universality. While it is true that the conditioned financial transfers to arise from the premise of targeting of social spending, the "Avancemos" Program focuses more on universality in the provision of social services as it seeks to influence the family of the target population. • However, it is also necessary to point out that the disintegration and disconnection between the various public policies and various institutional levels that consolidate such policies in many cases produces double the tasks, the overlap in target populations, and, in general, the lack of optimal investment of public resources resulting in a greater difficulty to achieve the macro objectives of the social policy. • Regarding monitoring: The importance of strengthening and promoting strategies for monitoring in the education centers can be agreed upon. Hence, one of the important findings is the confirmation of the appropriateness and relevance of the formalization of a guide which provides the monitoring process geared towards the population benefited from "Avancemos". • The process in schools has been modified throughout the implementation of the Program, and the setting up of the Institutional Committees of the "Avancemos" Program in high schools has been an key aspect to the support the population and accomplish the effective transfer. According to observations from both the CIPA of the CTP Invu Las Cañas, the IMAS Regional Department in Alajuela, and of the Technical Secretariat of the "Avancemos" Program, the strengths of the monitoring process that takes place in schools are established. Also, weaknesses are identified, for example, the crucial support that is required from the Principal's Office of the Educational Center and from the Ministry of Education's the Regional Offices.
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