Informe nacional sobre el desarrollo, validación y aplicación de las pruebas de diagnóstico de conocimientos, 1997.
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Este informe explica el proceso de desarrollo y de validación de las pruebas de diagnóstico de conocimientos en las áreas de Matemáticas, Español, Ciencias y Estudios Sociales para el I y II ciclos de la Educación General Básica.
Por ser pruebas referidas a criterios, se procedió a definir concreta y específicamente los conocimientos que se medirían. Para esto, los investigadores se basaron en los objetivos conductuales que los asesores del MEP indicaron como prioritarios para ser medidos en cada ciclo. Con esta información se elaboraron pruebas piloto para cada una de las asignaturas, que luego fueron sometidas a un proceso de validación con el fin de reformular los ítemes para que presentaran una calidad técnica aceptable y un nivel de discriminación igual o superior a 0,35.
Una vez realizada esta tarea, se administraron las pruebas diagnósticas a una muestra constituida por la lista nacional de instituciones y su matrícula inicial para 1996 en los niveles de tercer y sexto grados (información suministrada por el MEP). Esta muestra se dividió en cuatro grupos y cada grupo se ordenó según las regiones de MIDEPLAN.
El análisis estadístico de estas pruebas, para el cual se consideraron las variables de género, tipo de escuela, sector y región, arrojó información importante sobre los resultados por dominio de objetivos y los resultados normativos (tanto en el nivel descriptivo como en el inferencial), necesaria para la ejecución de acciones correctivas que favorezcan el mejoramiento de la educación en Costa Rica.
También se elaboró un inventario para medir, por una parte, la actitud de los educadores hacia la docencia como vivencia real de los valores sociales y hacia la atención del niño como individuo y, por otra, la reacción hacia acciones propias de la docencia de carácter más cognoscitivo. La encuesta se administró a una muestra conformada por todos los docentes de los grupos de tercer y sexto grados en los que se realizaron las pruebas. El resultado de esta medición evidencia una actitud negativa de los maestros hacia la docencia; sin embargo, se advierte la necesidad de efectuar un estudio de validación del instrumento empleado para este propósito.
ABSTRACT: This report explains the development and validation process of knowledge diagnostic tests in the areas of Mathematics, Spanish, Science and Social Studies for the I and II cycles of Basic General Education. As tests referring to criteria, the knowledge to be measured was defined concretely and specifically. For this, the researchers based on the behavioral objectives that the MEP advisers indicated as priorities to be measured in each cycle. With this information, pilot tests were prepared for each of the subjects, which were then subjected to a validation process in order to reformulate the items so that they presented an acceptable technical quality and a level of discrimination equal to or greater than 0.35. Once this task was completed, the diagnostic tests were administered to a sample made up of the national list of institutions and their initial enrollment for 1996 at the third and sixth grade levels (information provided by the MEP). This sample was divided into four groups and each group was ordered according to the MIDEPLAN regions. The statistical analysis of these tests, for which the variables of gender, school type, sector and region were considered, yielded important information on the results by objective domain and the normative results (both at the descriptive and inferential levels). , necessary for the execution of corrective actions that favor the improvement of education in Costa Rica. An inventory was also drawn up to measure, on the one hand, the attitude of educators towards teaching as a real experience of social values and towards the care of the child as an individual and, on the other, the reaction towards actions typical of character teaching. more cognitive. The survey was administered to a sample made up of all the teachers from the third and sixth grade groups in which the tests were carried out. The result of this measurement shows a negative attitude of teachers towards teaching; however, there is a need to carry out a validation study of the instrument used for this purpose.
ABSTRACT: This report explains the development and validation process of knowledge diagnostic tests in the areas of Mathematics, Spanish, Science and Social Studies for the I and II cycles of Basic General Education. As tests referring to criteria, the knowledge to be measured was defined concretely and specifically. For this, the researchers based on the behavioral objectives that the MEP advisers indicated as priorities to be measured in each cycle. With this information, pilot tests were prepared for each of the subjects, which were then subjected to a validation process in order to reformulate the items so that they presented an acceptable technical quality and a level of discrimination equal to or greater than 0.35. Once this task was completed, the diagnostic tests were administered to a sample made up of the national list of institutions and their initial enrollment for 1996 at the third and sixth grade levels (information provided by the MEP). This sample was divided into four groups and each group was ordered according to the MIDEPLAN regions. The statistical analysis of these tests, for which the variables of gender, school type, sector and region were considered, yielded important information on the results by objective domain and the normative results (both at the descriptive and inferential levels). , necessary for the execution of corrective actions that favor the improvement of education in Costa Rica. An inventory was also drawn up to measure, on the one hand, the attitude of educators towards teaching as a real experience of social values and towards the care of the child as an individual and, on the other, the reaction towards actions typical of character teaching. more cognitive. The survey was administered to a sample made up of all the teachers from the third and sixth grade groups in which the tests were carried out. The result of this measurement shows a negative attitude of teachers towards teaching; however, there is a need to carry out a validation study of the instrument used for this purpose.
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