Las comunidades académicas en la construcción del saber pedagógico del docente universitario.
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El presente informe corresponde a un proyecto de investigación que surge como propuesta posterior a los
resultados del proyecto No.724-A5-055, “Los saberes pedagógicos del docente universitario valorado como
excelente”. El proyecto se desarrolló en la Universidad de Costa Rica y los sujetos participantes fueron los profesores del los cursos FD-0340 Didáctica Universitaria de los ciclos I y II del 2007 por parte del Departamento de Docencia Universitaria de la Escuela de Formación Docente. Se inició con la presentación del proyecto de investigación a los profesores participantes de los cursos, en este caso accedieron a participar todos los inscritos en la fecha de aplicación para un total de 44 profesores. Para la recolección de información se aplicaron tres técnicas: a) el instrumento de frases incompletas, grupos focales y entrevistas. Este estudio comprendió como locus de su atención el análisis de las opiniones de los docentes en cuanto a sus desarrollos académicos específicamente en la docencia y en particular en los procesos que basan los saberes pedagógicos. Durante el proceso el equipo investigador estableció elementos que permitieron la construcción de las primeras explicaciones, finalmente se consideraron como categorías explicativas tres:
1. Las características de las comunidades.
2. Los procesos de inducción y socialización en las comunidades académicas.
3. Las prácticas pedagógicas en las comunidades académicas.
La investigación permitió distinguir las siguientes consideraciones finales:
• Las comunidades representadas en la Universidad asumen las disciplinariedad como una etiqueta que
les permite distinguirse entre ellas, su carácter es más bien nominal. El análisis de la información da
cuenta de que los propósitos de estas comunidades no confluyen en su naturaleza disciplinar, sino más
bien en la naturaleza académica.
• Acerca de la relación que existe entre las opiniones de los profesores universitarios y las percepciones de
la comunidad académica en relación con el papel de ésta última en la construcción del saber pedagógico,
se distingue una tendencia de la comunidad a promover y resaltar la investigación. En este caso
dicho reconocimiento no sólo está dado por las aportaciones de contenido que ofrece a la disciplina sino
también por el posicionamiento que otorga al docente y a la comunidad como tal.
• Se pueden distinguir en las comunidades actividades de socialización e interacción formales para el
desarrollo disciplinar como foros, congresos, asambleas de facultad o escuela. Empero, los contenidos
del saber pedagógico para la educación universitaria son reconstruidos por los docentes en procesos que
son individuales y solitarios, no constituyen contenidos explícitos de actividades académicas regulares
en la institución.
ABSTRACT: This report corresponds to a research project that emerges as a proposal after the results of project No.724-A5-055, "The pedagogical knowledge of the university teacher qualified as excellent." The project was developed at the University of Costa Rica and the participants were professors of the courses FD-0340 University Didactics of cycles I and II of 2007 imparted by the Department of University Teaching of the Teacher Training School. It began with the presentation of the research project to the professors participating in the courses, in this case all those enrolled on the application agreed to participate giving as a result 44 teachers. For the collection of information, three techniques were applied: a) the instrument of incomplete sentences, focus groups and interviews. This study included the focus of their attention to analyse the opinion of teachers regarding their academic developments specifically in teaching, and in particular , in the processes on which the pedagogical knowledge is based. During the process, the research team established elements that allowed the construction of the first explanations, finally three explanatory categories were considered: 1. The communities characteristics . 2. Induction and socialization processes in academic communities. 3. The academic pedagogical practices in communities. The investigation allowed to distinguish the following final considerations: • The communities represented by University assume the discipline as a label that allows to distinguish themselves , their nature is rather nominal. The information analisys shows that the purposes of these communities do not converge in their disciplinary nature, but rather in the academic nature. • Regarding the relationship among the opinions of university professors and the perceptions of the academic community in relation to the role of the latter in the construction of pedagogical knowledge, a tendency of the community to promote and highlight research is distinguished. In this case, this recognition is not only given by the contributions of content offered to the discipline but also by the positioning it gives to teachers and the community as such. • Communities can be distinguished from formal socialization and interaction activities for disciplinary development such as forums, congresses, faculty or school assemblies. However, the contents of pedagogical knowledge for university education are reconstructed by teachers in processes that are individual and solitary, they do not constitute explicit contents of regular academic activities in the institution.
ABSTRACT: This report corresponds to a research project that emerges as a proposal after the results of project No.724-A5-055, "The pedagogical knowledge of the university teacher qualified as excellent." The project was developed at the University of Costa Rica and the participants were professors of the courses FD-0340 University Didactics of cycles I and II of 2007 imparted by the Department of University Teaching of the Teacher Training School. It began with the presentation of the research project to the professors participating in the courses, in this case all those enrolled on the application agreed to participate giving as a result 44 teachers. For the collection of information, three techniques were applied: a) the instrument of incomplete sentences, focus groups and interviews. This study included the focus of their attention to analyse the opinion of teachers regarding their academic developments specifically in teaching, and in particular , in the processes on which the pedagogical knowledge is based. During the process, the research team established elements that allowed the construction of the first explanations, finally three explanatory categories were considered: 1. The communities characteristics . 2. Induction and socialization processes in academic communities. 3. The academic pedagogical practices in communities. The investigation allowed to distinguish the following final considerations: • The communities represented by University assume the discipline as a label that allows to distinguish themselves , their nature is rather nominal. The information analisys shows that the purposes of these communities do not converge in their disciplinary nature, but rather in the academic nature. • Regarding the relationship among the opinions of university professors and the perceptions of the academic community in relation to the role of the latter in the construction of pedagogical knowledge, a tendency of the community to promote and highlight research is distinguished. In this case, this recognition is not only given by the contributions of content offered to the discipline but also by the positioning it gives to teachers and the community as such. • Communities can be distinguished from formal socialization and interaction activities for disciplinary development such as forums, congresses, faculty or school assemblies. However, the contents of pedagogical knowledge for university education are reconstructed by teachers in processes that are individual and solitary, they do not constitute explicit contents of regular academic activities in the institution.
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