Afectividad y enseñanza: metaconocimiento de los estados emocionales y regulación emocional en estudiantes de las carreras de la Facultad de Educación en la Universidad de Costa Rica.
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de inteligencia emocional percibida y su relación con la autorregulación emocional, satisfacción con la vida y felicidad subjetiva en estudiantes de las carreras de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Costa Rica. La población la constituye los estudiantes de grado de las carreras de la Facultad de Educación que matricularon en la Universidad en el II ciclo del 2014. No se logró una muestra representativa para la investigación debido a que no todos los cursos o grupos elegidos contaban con disponibilidad para participar, por lo que se decidió realizar el estudio con la población que tuviera disponibilidad de acuerdo a horarios y organización del curso lectivo. Participaron 378 estudiantes pertenecientes a 16 carreras, su participación fue voluntaria y anónima. Los estudiantes fueron contactados en sus clases previo acuerdo con el docente del curso. Además se realizó una sesión de dos horas con un grupo focal. Luego de la recolección de información, los datos se sometieron al análisis estadístico previa elaboración de la base de datos en el paquete Excel y el programa de análisis estadístico SPSS, para la transcripción de la producción del grupo focal, previa grabación de la misma, el análisis cualitativo se realizó con el paquete de análisis cualitativo Max Qda12 en la versión Trial. Entre las conclusiones del estudio se menciona las siguientes:
El problema d ella investigación que se formuló en esta investigación esta orientado a conocer el grado de metaconocimiento emocional de estudiantes d ellas carreras de la Facultad de la Universidad de Costa Rica, al igual interesaba la relación entre metaconocimiento emocional y regulación emocional y dos medidas asociadas con el bienestar subjetivo como lo es la felicidad subjetiva y la satisfacción con la vida. Los hallazgo obtenidos dan evidencia de no existir diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres al respecto de las variables.
Por otro lados, el análisis factorial del test de Metaconocimiento Emocional da una solución de tres factores que corresponden a las tres sub-escalas, definidas por sus creadores, atención, claridad y reparación. Asimismo a partir del análisis de confiabilidad de alfa de Crombach se obtienen resultados que confirman la confiabilidad del instrumento para las tres sub-escalas. Esto indica que el instrumento es confiable para la investigación con población joven universitaria.
En cuanto al instrumento de satisfacción con la vida ampliamente utilizado en la investigación, muestra un índice de confiabilidad alfa de Crombach de 0,86, lo que se considera un buen instrumento para ser utilizado con la población oven universitaria, además sus ítems no presentaron dificultad en contenido para los estudiantes que contestaron la encuesta.
En esta investigación fue probado un modelo de correlación de variables considerando las variables carrera, edad, género como variables predictoras de la respuesta al test sobre inteligencia Emocional, Autorregulación Emocional, Satisfacción con la vida y Felicidad Subjetiva. En este modelo no se encontraron valores significativos, excepto para la variable Satisfacción con la vida que correlaciona positiva y significativamente con la edad.
ABSTRACT: This research is aimed to determine the degree of perceived emotional intelligence and its relationship with emotional self-regulation, satisfaction with life and subjective happiness in students of majors from the Faculty of Education of the University of Costa Rica. The population is graduate students of majors from the Faculty of Education who registered in the University of Costa Rica in the second semester 2014. However, a representative sample for this research for the investigation was not achieved since not all the courses or groups had availability, so it was decided to carry out the study with the population that had availability based on their schedules and organization of their semester. Therefore, 378 students from 16 majors participated voluntarily and anonymously. The students were contacted in their classes prior agreement with their professor. In addition, a two-hour session with a focus group was carried out. After the collection of information, the data were previously submitted to statistical analysis, and the data base was created using Excel and a the statistical analysis program SPSS for the transcription of the output of the focus group as well as the recording of it. The qualitative analysis was done with a qualitative analysis package called the Trail version of Max Qda 12. Among the conclusions of the study, the following can be mentioned: The proposed research problem seeks to know the degree of emotional metacognition of students of the major of the Faculty of the University of Costa Rica; also, there was interest in the relationship between emotional metacognition, emotional regulation and two measures associated with the subjective well-being such as subjective happiness and satisfaction with life. The findings are evidence of the lack of significant differences between men and women regarding the variables. On the other hand, the factorial analysis of Emotional Metacognition test gives a three factor solution that corresponds to the three sub-scales, defined by their creators, attention, clarity and remedy. In addition, from the reliability analysis of Crombach's Alpha, there are results that confirm the reliability of the instrument for the three sub-scales. This indicates that the instrument is reliable for the research with the young university population. As for the instrument on satisfaction with life used in this research, it shows an index of reliability of Crombach's Alpha is of 0,86 which is considered a good instrument to use with the young university population. Also, its items did not present any difficulty in content for students that answered the survey. In this research, a correlation of variables model was tested while considering the major, age, and gender variables as indicators of the answers to the test regarding Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Self-regulation, Satisfaction with Life and Subjective Happiness. No significant results were found in this model except for the satisfaction with life variable which positive and significantly correlates with age.
ABSTRACT: This research is aimed to determine the degree of perceived emotional intelligence and its relationship with emotional self-regulation, satisfaction with life and subjective happiness in students of majors from the Faculty of Education of the University of Costa Rica. The population is graduate students of majors from the Faculty of Education who registered in the University of Costa Rica in the second semester 2014. However, a representative sample for this research for the investigation was not achieved since not all the courses or groups had availability, so it was decided to carry out the study with the population that had availability based on their schedules and organization of their semester. Therefore, 378 students from 16 majors participated voluntarily and anonymously. The students were contacted in their classes prior agreement with their professor. In addition, a two-hour session with a focus group was carried out. After the collection of information, the data were previously submitted to statistical analysis, and the data base was created using Excel and a the statistical analysis program SPSS for the transcription of the output of the focus group as well as the recording of it. The qualitative analysis was done with a qualitative analysis package called the Trail version of Max Qda 12. Among the conclusions of the study, the following can be mentioned: The proposed research problem seeks to know the degree of emotional metacognition of students of the major of the Faculty of the University of Costa Rica; also, there was interest in the relationship between emotional metacognition, emotional regulation and two measures associated with the subjective well-being such as subjective happiness and satisfaction with life. The findings are evidence of the lack of significant differences between men and women regarding the variables. On the other hand, the factorial analysis of Emotional Metacognition test gives a three factor solution that corresponds to the three sub-scales, defined by their creators, attention, clarity and remedy. In addition, from the reliability analysis of Crombach's Alpha, there are results that confirm the reliability of the instrument for the three sub-scales. This indicates that the instrument is reliable for the research with the young university population. As for the instrument on satisfaction with life used in this research, it shows an index of reliability of Crombach's Alpha is of 0,86 which is considered a good instrument to use with the young university population. Also, its items did not present any difficulty in content for students that answered the survey. In this research, a correlation of variables model was tested while considering the major, age, and gender variables as indicators of the answers to the test regarding Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Self-regulation, Satisfaction with Life and Subjective Happiness. No significant results were found in this model except for the satisfaction with life variable which positive and significantly correlates with age.
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