Análisis del proceso educativo no formal de los movimientos sociales y organizaciones de derechos humanos del valle central a partir de sus experiencias: una mirada desde la pedagogía de la esperanza y la biopedagogía.
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El estudio tuvo por objetivo general analizar las características del proceso educativo no formal en torno a propósitos, agentes, contenidos, metodología, y gestión que llevan a cabo organizaciones, grupos y movimientos sociales de derechos humanos del valle central, San José Merced, para la reflexión de sus aportes, a partir de las experiencias de estos desde la Pedagogía de la esperanza y la Biopedagogía. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se contactó a 10 personas líderes de movimientos sociales de organizaciones como, por ejemplo, Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ), Comunidades Ecologistas La Ceiba (COCOCEIBA), Centro de Amigos Para la Paz, La Comisión Justicia, Paz e Integridad, (JPIC), Asociación Costarricense de Derechos Humanos (ACODEHU) que son parte del movimiento social de derechos humanos, que están ubicados en San José. Los criterios de selección se centraron en: A: Al menos 5 años de pertenecer al movimiento, B: Gestar procesos formativos dentro del movimiento, C: Equidad de género en la elección, D: Ser personas reconocidas en sus grupos como líderes del proceso. Las técnicas de recolección de la información fueron: Análisis documental, entrevista a profundidad y grupo focal. Entre las conclusiones se encuentran las siguientes: Los resultados de los procesos de formación interna evidencian que, a pesar de las limitaciones presupuestales, y de recursos, las personas perciben un fortalecimiento interno, sumado a que las organizaciones consideran la educación y la participación como un mecanismo político de poder mejorar las condiciones de las personas. La experiencia de varias décadas en los procesos formativos es una gran fortaleza, y si bien es cierto, no todas las personas le dan a lo que realizan el concepto de educación no formal, y lo entienden más bien como un fortalecimiento de capacidades, pero desde la perspectiva analítica es posible mencionar que si son procesos de educación no formal, que cumplen en gran medida con sus dimensiones administrativas siendo estas la planificación, la organización, la ejecución, el monitoreo y la evaluación. Al escuchar las percepciones de las personas participantes del proyecto se generan sensaciones de incertidumbre por la situación financiera pero también se producen sensaciones de esperanza al oír los relatos de las personas y cómo se ha podido enfrentar las situaciones más adversas con solidaridad, colaboración, trabajo en equipo.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of the study was to analyze the characteristics of the non-formal educational process around purposes, agents, contents, methodology and management carried out by human rights organizations, groups and social movements in the central valley, San José Merced, for reflection. of their contributions, based on their experiences from the Pedagogy of Hope and Bio pedagogy. To carry out the research, 10 leaders of social movements from organizations such as, for example, Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ), Ecologist Community La Ceiba (COCOCEIBA), Friends for peace, the Commission Justicia y Paz were contacted. and Integrity, (JPIC), Costa Rican Association of Human Rights (ACODEHU) that are part of the human right's social movement, which are in San José. The selection criteria focused on: A: At least 5 years of belonging to the movement, B: Creating training processes within the movement, C: Gender equality in the election, D: Be people recognized in their groups as leaders of the process. The data collection techniques were documentary analysis, in-depth interview and focus group. Among the conclusions are the following: The results of the internal training processes show that, despite budgetary and resource limitations, people perceive internal strengthening, added to the fact that organizations consider education and participation as a political mechanism to improve people's conditions. The experience of several decades in training processes is a great strength, and although it is true, not all people give what they do the concept of non-formal education, and understand it rather as a strengthening of capacities, but from the analytical perspective it is possible to mention that they are non-formal education processes, which largely comply with their administrative dimensions, these being planning, organization, execution, monitoring and evaluation. When listening to the perceptions of the people participating in the project, feelings of uncertainty are generated due to the financial situation, but feelings of hope are also produced when hearing the stories of the people and how they have been able to face the most adverse situations with solidarity, collaboration, work in equipment.
ABSTRACT: The general objective of the study was to analyze the characteristics of the non-formal educational process around purposes, agents, contents, methodology and management carried out by human rights organizations, groups and social movements in the central valley, San José Merced, for reflection. of their contributions, based on their experiences from the Pedagogy of Hope and Bio pedagogy. To carry out the research, 10 leaders of social movements from organizations such as, for example, Servicio Paz y Justicia (SERPAJ), Ecologist Community La Ceiba (COCOCEIBA), Friends for peace, the Commission Justicia y Paz were contacted. and Integrity, (JPIC), Costa Rican Association of Human Rights (ACODEHU) that are part of the human right's social movement, which are in San José. The selection criteria focused on: A: At least 5 years of belonging to the movement, B: Creating training processes within the movement, C: Gender equality in the election, D: Be people recognized in their groups as leaders of the process. The data collection techniques were documentary analysis, in-depth interview and focus group. Among the conclusions are the following: The results of the internal training processes show that, despite budgetary and resource limitations, people perceive internal strengthening, added to the fact that organizations consider education and participation as a political mechanism to improve people's conditions. The experience of several decades in training processes is a great strength, and although it is true, not all people give what they do the concept of non-formal education, and understand it rather as a strengthening of capacities, but from the analytical perspective it is possible to mention that they are non-formal education processes, which largely comply with their administrative dimensions, these being planning, organization, execution, monitoring and evaluation. When listening to the perceptions of the people participating in the project, feelings of uncertainty are generated due to the financial situation, but feelings of hope are also produced when hearing the stories of the people and how they have been able to face the most adverse situations with solidarity, collaboration, work in equipment.
Palabras clave
Educación, Educación no formal, Educación para los derechos humanos, Movimientos sociales, Education, Non-formal education, Education for human rights, Social movements