Propuesta curricular para el fortalecimiento de habilidades para la vida en estudiantes de secundaria.
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El estudio tuvo como objetivo planificar módulos de aprendizaje y su aplicación para fortalecer habilidades de razonamiento cuantitativo y comunicativo en estudiantes de décimo y undécimo año.
El proyecto retoma acciones iniciadas con dos Trabajos finales de investigación aplicada de la Maestría en Planificación Curricular y el proyecto de Acción Social, Habilidades para la vida: fortalecimiento de habilidades de comunicación y de razonamiento cuantitativo (HPV) ED-3324 a lo largo de cinco generaciones. Es necesario mencionar que también la Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial contribuyó con sesiones que complementaron la aplicación de este proyecto en Nicoya y Sarapiquí. Durante este tiempo se han dado modificaciones significativas que han permitido replantear el diseño curricular para contenidos de matemática y español, este diseño se ha coordinado desde la Maestría en Planificación Curricular y de ahí que las investigadoras han apoyado las actualizaciones en cuanto al diseño y contenido de los módulos iniciales. El proceso investigativo responde desde el enfoque cualitativo mediante la búsqueda de aspectos que alimentan un diseño curricular. Durante el proceso de investigación se ha enriquecido la fundamentación teórica del proyecto basado en la teoría de Habilidades para la Vida (OMS) y el Aprendizaje Social (Bandura). Así como en los contenidos y la metodología de la propuesta curricular. Entre las técnicas utilizadas para recolectar información se tienen reuniones-talleres de planeación con facilitadores, grupos focales y entrevistas a facilitadores. Entre las conclusiones del estudio se mencionan las siguientes: El sistematizar y analizar una experiencia de diseño curricular lleva a sustentar teóricamente las decisiones y en enfoque bajo el cual se planifica y desarrolla una acción educativa. Los elementos iniciales fueron la base para generar esquemas y sustento conceptual en este diseño de una experiencia llevada a cabo desde la Facultad de Educación con la colaboración de muchas instancias (Vicerrectoría de Vida Estudiantil, Escuela de Orientación y Educación Especial). Las personas participantes a través de varias generaciones pueden corroborar de experiencias exitosas, prácticas docentes y muchos aprendizajes para la vida que a su vez han marcado los estilos docentes de los trabajaron como facilitadores y la autoconfianza de estudiantes de décimo y undécimo año.
Como resultado se obtiene un diseño curricular interdisciplinario que responde a dos materias donde los resultados son deficientes en logros de estudiantes de secundaria, matemática y español. Los componentes curriculares responden a nuevas formas de enseñanza mediante el constructivismo, la interdisciplinariedad y la resolución de problemas contextualizados.
Con el desarrollo de este enfoque se logró trascender el enfoque educativo tradicional permitiendo desde su metodología basada en situaciones problemáticas y cotidianas que el estudiante tuviese un papel activo, protagónico y participativo, en cuanto a la responsabilidad que tiene de su proceso formativo.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to plan learning modules and their application to strengthen quantitative and communicative reasoning skills in tenth and eleventh year students. The project takes up actions started with two final works of applied research of the Master's Degree in Curricular Planning and the Social Action project, Life Skills: strengthening communication skills and quantitative reasoning (HPV) ED-3324 over five generations. It is necessary to mention that the Guidance and Special Education School also contributed sessions that complemented the application of this project in Nicoya and Sarapiquí. During this time there have been significant modifications that have allowed to rethink the curricular design for mathematics and Spanish content, this design has been coordinated from the Master in Curricular Planning and hence the researchers have supported the updates regarding the design and content of the initial modules. The investigative process responds from a qualitative approach by searching for aspects that feed a curricular design. During the research process, the theoretical foundation of the project based on the theory of Life Skills (OMS) and Social Learning (Bandura) has been enriched. As well as in the contents and the methodology of the curricular proposal. Among the techniques used to collect information are planning meetings-workshops with facilitators, focus groups and facilitator interviews. Among the conclusions of the study, the following are mentioned: The systematization and analysis of a curriculum design experience leads to theoretically support the decisions and the focus under which an educational action is planned and developed. The initial elements were the basis for generating schemes and conceptual support in this design of an experience carried out from the Faculty of Education with the collaboration of many instances (Vice-rector for Student Life, School of Guidance and Special Education). Participants through several generations can corroborate successful experiences, teaching practices, and many lifelong learning that in successively have marked the teaching styles of those who worked as facilitators and the self-confidence of tenth and eleventh year students. As a result, an interdisciplinary curricular design is obtained that responds to two subjects where the results are deficient in the achievement of high school students, mathematics and Spanish. The curricular components respond to new forms of teaching through constructivism, interdisciplinarity and the resolution of contextualized problems. With the development of this approach, it was possible to transcend the traditional educational approach, allowing from its methodology based on problematic and everyday situations that the student had an active, leading and participatory role, in terms of the responsibility they have for their training process.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the study was to plan learning modules and their application to strengthen quantitative and communicative reasoning skills in tenth and eleventh year students. The project takes up actions started with two final works of applied research of the Master's Degree in Curricular Planning and the Social Action project, Life Skills: strengthening communication skills and quantitative reasoning (HPV) ED-3324 over five generations. It is necessary to mention that the Guidance and Special Education School also contributed sessions that complemented the application of this project in Nicoya and Sarapiquí. During this time there have been significant modifications that have allowed to rethink the curricular design for mathematics and Spanish content, this design has been coordinated from the Master in Curricular Planning and hence the researchers have supported the updates regarding the design and content of the initial modules. The investigative process responds from a qualitative approach by searching for aspects that feed a curricular design. During the research process, the theoretical foundation of the project based on the theory of Life Skills (OMS) and Social Learning (Bandura) has been enriched. As well as in the contents and the methodology of the curricular proposal. Among the techniques used to collect information are planning meetings-workshops with facilitators, focus groups and facilitator interviews. Among the conclusions of the study, the following are mentioned: The systematization and analysis of a curriculum design experience leads to theoretically support the decisions and the focus under which an educational action is planned and developed. The initial elements were the basis for generating schemes and conceptual support in this design of an experience carried out from the Faculty of Education with the collaboration of many instances (Vice-rector for Student Life, School of Guidance and Special Education). Participants through several generations can corroborate successful experiences, teaching practices, and many lifelong learning that in successively have marked the teaching styles of those who worked as facilitators and the self-confidence of tenth and eleventh year students. As a result, an interdisciplinary curricular design is obtained that responds to two subjects where the results are deficient in the achievement of high school students, mathematics and Spanish. The curricular components respond to new forms of teaching through constructivism, interdisciplinarity and the resolution of contextualized problems. With the development of this approach, it was possible to transcend the traditional educational approach, allowing from its methodology based on problematic and everyday situations that the student had an active, leading and participatory role, in terms of the responsibility they have for their training process.
Palabras clave
Educación secundaria, Desarrollo de habilidades, Currículo (Educación), Matemáticas, Español, Secondary Education, Skills Development, Curriculum (Education), Mathematics, Spanish