Subcomisión interuniversitaria de educación ambiental (CIEA): actividades académicas 2015-2016
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El objetivo de este proyecto fue Facilitar procesos de incorporación de la Dimensión Ambiental para la construcción y apropiación de una cultura ambiental en el quehacer universitario estatal. Es una investigación aplicada con base en la investigación-acción participativa. Con las siguientes acciones:
a) Involucramiento de los equipos de gestión ambiental de las universidades y otras instancias afines.
b) Intercambio, diálogo y construcción conjunta de los indicadores y otros productos requeridos por parte del equipo de investigación.
c) Valoración compartida de los indicadores con grupos involucrados y expertos.
La metodología para la construcción de los indicadores fue de carácter cualitativa. Contó con la participación de funcionarios académicos y administrativos involucrados en las acciones orientadas a la gestión ambiental integral en los campus universitarios, así como expertos académicos en educación ambiental y desarrollo sostenible. Se realizaron entrevistas, encuestas, sesiones de trabajo usando la metodología de grupos focales. Se buscó información bibliográfica, así como la disponible en las páginas web de las universidades.
Toda la información recopilada se analizó y sistematizó con el fin de seleccionar un estudio de caso por universidad participante. A partir de los casos seleccionados se valoró conjuntamente con el equipo de investigadoras el tipo de acciones ambientales que realizan en sus universidades.
La selección de la muestra no fue intencional, por el tipo de actividades realizadas se trabajó con aquellas personas que asistieron a las convocatorias.
Algunos de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto fueron:
La matriz de indicadores educativos ambientales contribuye a fortalecer la convicción epistemológica en relación con que las universidades públicas deben ser ejemplo en la incorporación de la DA, lo cual trasciende la mirada sobre la gestión ambiental e integral como centro de la sostenibilidad, por eso propone que lo fundamental es ofrecer una herramienta que contenga una visión holística e integradora en materia de educación y gestión ambiental integral como engranajes para la sostenibilidad de los campus universitarios.
En la construcción de una cultura ambiental se debe partir de la formación profesional y del abordaje sistémico integral del quehacer universitario, para que las universidades puedan constituirse en interlocutores legitimados en la sociedad en este campo.
La construcción de cultural ambiental es un proceso que acompaña la transformación de los campus sostenibles por lo que se debería contribuir con actuaciones y normativas que velen por el desarrollo sostenible, la solidaridad y la equidad.
Los procesos de educación y gestión ambiental integral son interdependientes para la construcción de la cultura ambiental mediante procesos de formación permanente que favorezcan desarrollar acciones ambientales intencionadas pedagógicamente para promover el desarrollo sostenible tanto dentro como fuera de los campus universitarios.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the project was to facilitate the incorporation processes of the environmental dimensions for the construction and appropriation of an environmental culture in the daily tasks of the state universities. It is an applied research based on hands on collaborative investigation. The following actions were taken: a) Involvement of environmental management teams of the universities and other related entities. b) Exchange, dialogue and joint building of the indicators and other products required by the research team. c) Shared assessment of the indicators with the stakeholders groups and experts. The methodology used for constructing the indicators was of a qualitative nature. It relied on the participation of academic and administrative faculty involved in the tasks related to integral environmental management on university campuses as well as leading scholars in environmental education and sustainable development. A focus group methodology was used for interviews, surveys, and work sessions. All gathered information was analyzed and organized with the purpose of selecting a case study from each participating university. From the selected cases, the research team jointly assessed the type of environmental actions each university would execute. The sample selection was unintentional; due to the type of activities carried out, those who attended the call for participation took part in the process. Some of the project finding were: ➢ The matrix of educational and environmental indicators contributes to strengthen the epistemological conviction due to the fact that public universities should be an example in the incorporation of the DA, which transcends the view on environmental and integral management as a center of sustainability, therefore it proposes that the fundamental aspect is to offer a tool with a holistic and integrative vision in the field of education and integral environmental management as a mechanism for the sustainability of the university campuses. ➢ For the construction of an environmental culture, it is necessary to start from the professional training and the integral systemic approach of the daily university task, so that the universities can become legitimized interlocutors in the society in this field. ➢ The construction of environmental culture is a process that accompanies the transformation of sustainable campuses, which should contribute to actions and regulations that ensure sustainable development, solidarity and equity. ➢ The education and integral environmental management processes are interdependent for the construction of the environmental culture through processes of permanent formation that favor the advancement of environmental actions intended to pedagogically promote the sustainable development both in and out of the university campuses.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the project was to facilitate the incorporation processes of the environmental dimensions for the construction and appropriation of an environmental culture in the daily tasks of the state universities. It is an applied research based on hands on collaborative investigation. The following actions were taken: a) Involvement of environmental management teams of the universities and other related entities. b) Exchange, dialogue and joint building of the indicators and other products required by the research team. c) Shared assessment of the indicators with the stakeholders groups and experts. The methodology used for constructing the indicators was of a qualitative nature. It relied on the participation of academic and administrative faculty involved in the tasks related to integral environmental management on university campuses as well as leading scholars in environmental education and sustainable development. A focus group methodology was used for interviews, surveys, and work sessions. All gathered information was analyzed and organized with the purpose of selecting a case study from each participating university. From the selected cases, the research team jointly assessed the type of environmental actions each university would execute. The sample selection was unintentional; due to the type of activities carried out, those who attended the call for participation took part in the process. Some of the project finding were: ➢ The matrix of educational and environmental indicators contributes to strengthen the epistemological conviction due to the fact that public universities should be an example in the incorporation of the DA, which transcends the view on environmental and integral management as a center of sustainability, therefore it proposes that the fundamental aspect is to offer a tool with a holistic and integrative vision in the field of education and integral environmental management as a mechanism for the sustainability of the university campuses. ➢ For the construction of an environmental culture, it is necessary to start from the professional training and the integral systemic approach of the daily university task, so that the universities can become legitimized interlocutors in the society in this field. ➢ The construction of environmental culture is a process that accompanies the transformation of sustainable campuses, which should contribute to actions and regulations that ensure sustainable development, solidarity and equity. ➢ The education and integral environmental management processes are interdependent for the construction of the environmental culture through processes of permanent formation that favor the advancement of environmental actions intended to pedagogically promote the sustainable development both in and out of the university campuses.
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