Clima familiar y comportamiento prosocial en niños y niñas de edad escolar.
Alvarado Calderón, Kathia
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Esta investigación se realizó con una muestra de 444 niños y niñas de escuelas públicas del cantón de Montes de Oca. El propósito de este trabajo fue establecer si existe relación entre el índice de respuesta empática y la percepción del clima familiar. El índice de empatía es medido con el cuestionario para niños(as) y adolescentes de Bryant (1982), una adaptación española (1999) para población infantil y adolescente tomada dela escala para adultos de Mehrabian y Epstein de 1972. Para evaluar la percepción sobre el clima familiar (Baumrind, 1966), se elaboró una adaptación del cuestionario de autoridad parental de J.R. Buri (1991) dirigida a población infantil. Los instrumentos fueron adaptados y validados, se determinó su confiabilidad mediante el alfa de Cronbach. Los principales resultados indican diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en cuanto a la tendencia de manifestar respuesta empática. En cuanto a la percepción del clima familiar se observan algunas diferencias por género. Para el estilo autoritativo las mujeres presentan un promedio mayor que los varones en su percepción del uso de esta configuración disciplinaria por parte de sus padres (madres o encargados). Los resultados sugieren diferencias en la crianza si se trata de niños o niñas. Por tanto, es importante la reflexión acerca de los patrones de crianza autoritativos tanto para hombres como mujeres, así como se sugiere la necesidad de incorporar en esta reflexión el papel de la escuela y del grupo de pares en el desarrollo de respuesta empática.
ABSTRACT: This investigation was done with a sample of 444 boys and girls from public schools at the Montes de Oca canton. The purpose of this work was to stablish if there exist a relation between the index of empathy response and the perception of the familiar environment . The index of empathy is measured with the boys, girls and teenagers questionnaire of ( Bryant 1982), an spanish adaptation (1999) for children and teenager population, taken from the adults scale by Mehrabian and Epstein from 1972. To evaluate the perception about the familiar environment (Baumrind, 1966, 1966) there was elaborated an adaptation of the parental autohority of J.R. Buri (1991) directed to the children population. The instruments were adapted and validated. The the confidency was determined trough the alfa of Cronbach. The main results indicate differences between men and women ,. related to the tendency to demosntrate an empatic answer . About the perception, the familiar environment, were observed some differences by gender. For the authoritatibely style , women, showed more than men in their perception. On using promedy, this disciplinary configuration from their parents (mothers or caregivers). The results suggest differences on the growth, if this is related to boys or girls. Therefore, it is important to reflexion about the autohoritatibely patterns from men to women in the growing up process , therefore, for men as well as for women , likewise , is suggested the need to incorporate in this reflection the possition of the school and the peers group in the development of empathic response.
ABSTRACT: This investigation was done with a sample of 444 boys and girls from public schools at the Montes de Oca canton. The purpose of this work was to stablish if there exist a relation between the index of empathy response and the perception of the familiar environment . The index of empathy is measured with the boys, girls and teenagers questionnaire of ( Bryant 1982), an spanish adaptation (1999) for children and teenager population, taken from the adults scale by Mehrabian and Epstein from 1972. To evaluate the perception about the familiar environment (Baumrind, 1966, 1966) there was elaborated an adaptation of the parental autohority of J.R. Buri (1991) directed to the children population. The instruments were adapted and validated. The the confidency was determined trough the alfa of Cronbach. The main results indicate differences between men and women ,. related to the tendency to demosntrate an empatic answer . About the perception, the familiar environment, were observed some differences by gender. For the authoritatibely style , women, showed more than men in their perception. On using promedy, this disciplinary configuration from their parents (mothers or caregivers). The results suggest differences on the growth, if this is related to boys or girls. Therefore, it is important to reflexion about the autohoritatibely patterns from men to women in the growing up process , therefore, for men as well as for women , likewise , is suggested the need to incorporate in this reflection the possition of the school and the peers group in the development of empathic response.
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